The Belgian Fibers Solar Project09-04-2015
During the first half of 2015, we successfully commissioned our photovoltaic project. On the roofs of our plant, we installed more than 2400 panels.
The total nominal capacity of the installation is 576 kWp. This makes us one of the biggest renewab...
Concrete fibers in new application areas 07-03-2014

In 2014, Belgian Fiber Manufacturing, finalised together with prof. FJ the Boer a master thesis at the Hazen High school Groningen The Netherlands : "Concrete fibers in new application areas ".
Herewith is studied, and in line with the worldwide ...
BELMIX PP fiber improves the Fire and spalling of High Performance Concrete !26-07-2013

MFPA - Germany : " Tunnel Fire tests "
Tunnel Fire test were carried out at the tunnel furnace and by MFPA - Leipzig Gmbh . ( recognised testing authority for building materials )
Belmix fiber , type BM 6 mm , modified tunnel concrete...